I am surprised at how much time is dedicated to the weather in a short 30-minute newscast. Granted, during a time like Hurricane Katrina, weather is a fascinating segment, but in most cases, the Seven Day Forecast being broadcast and re-broadcast every few minutes is very exhausting. Even radio programs have to tell us about traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. I can see traffic conditions changing frequently, but how often do I need to know it is likely to be sunny? I usually lick my finger and stick it in the air, and I can get a pretty good idea. I also find it interesting that years ago, the weatherman would only predict the weather two to three days out. It then increased to 5 days, and then 7 and finally, they're telling us what will happen 14 days from now. Come on! Who can really tell you what the weather will be like after tomorrow? They have all kinds of fancy satellites and Doppler and Storm Tracker and things that would be really cool on a Corvette, but...
A blog from a father's perspective...