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Showing posts from October, 2005

My Sunday Diary (vol 3)

On Sunday, it was the children's primary program. This is that exciting time each year where all of the children from the ages of 11 down to 3 perform for their parents, friends and relatives. They sing songs and they each have a small speaking part. This is a time for parents to beam and show a moment of pride for their children's abilities as stage performers. These are times when parents wish filming with a camcorder would be acceptable, because chances are, one might end up with the winning video for ABC's AFV (America's Funniest Videos). As a parent of three children who are within this age range, I took turns smiling, winking and encouraging each of my boys as they sang. Because they are boys, they are competitive by nature. I had to make sure that I gave equal attention to each of them, or it may create ill feelings. "Dad, every time I looked at you, you were looking at Jeff. I knew that you liked Jeff more than me!" On occasion, I turned my head...

Praying...It's just like baseball!

Having family prayer with young children is an experience. After we read scriptures at night as a family, we kneel down together and then I select somebody to say the prayer. This should be a reverent, spiritually building experience, but I must admit the comedy of the situation sometimes boils its way to the surface and the result is a family of gigglers hoping the Lord isn't going to come down those stairs and catch us in the middle of something we shouldn't be doing. It is a challenge for me to select a good rotation in who will be the orator each night. The difficulty is mixing it up enough so that one person is not the orator for the blessing of all the meals, family, companionship and personal prayers. I have to look at this like I am a coach of a baseball team. It is important that my pitchers get at least a day or two of rest before I put them back in the pitching (praying) rotation. There is somebody, however, sitting at the end of the bench that rarely gets used....

I'm So Tired...

Lately, I have really started to wonder what is wrong with me. There was a time when I could stay up for hours, then rebound and be at it again early the next morning and feel refreshed. I could sit down on the couch and read a book or watch a television show during the day and not fall asleep. In fact, if there was a good movie coming out, and there was a midnight showing available, I would call my brothers and cousins and hook up with them for dinner and the movie, then consider going with them to an early morning breakfast. Times have changed! Now, when I am no longer actively engaged in something, I sit down on a comfortable sofa, and I will be unconscious in a matter of seconds. Reading books and watching movies can no longer hold my interest. As you have read from previous posts, a book is the best sleeping pill for me. Once I crack open a book, 40 seconds later, the book is covered in drool. I have recognized that the result of my tiredness comes from my cat and my childre...