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Showing posts from 2006


Randall reminded me that the last time I blogged was in August.  Sheesh, how time flies.  As Rob's update earlier today indicated, there hasn't been anything to write about.   The only thing that comes to mind is my recent shopping experience at Smith's.  I decided to be a good husband and I suggested to Coralee I could go shopping for her.  She had been a bit under the weather, so this was an offer she could not refuse.  She quickly pulled out a notepad and began jotting things down for me to pick up.  The list wasn't all that big and it appeared to be something that I could handle.  Most of the items Coralee asked me to pick up were sale items from the grocer's weekly mailer.  "This I can handle," I thought to myself and I quickly went on my way.   I was able to locate each of the items on the list and sure enough, everything was priced as it should be.  I made my way to the back of the store ...

The Multipurpose Arena

You don't really want to drag the world into bed with you because there is enough going on there already. Beds are complex, multipurpose arenas, and it is important that the two parties specify which activity they're undertaking. "Are we talking or are we reading?" "Are we sleeping or are we fooling around?" You have to clarify. "Are we not talking because we're mad, or because we both just don't feel like talking?" "Are we thinking of fooling around ambitiously or 'let's just do what we have to so we don't pull a muscle or kill ourselves?'" The good thing is, when you're together forever, there is less pressure to make any given night magical. You always know you have another shot tomorrow....and the next night. That's the entire beauty of Forever...nothing but tomorrows. Of course, if you cash in the Tomorrow Chip too often, you break the bank. One day you roll over, notice each other and say, "Hey, ...

I'm not lazy...really!

I'm not lazy, but I don't like to move a whole lot. I mean, if I'm doing something, I'll do it. I'm as active as the next guy, but if I'm sitting, I don't like to get up...even if I'm facing the wrong way. If I'm talking to someone whose chair isn't quite facing me, I'll talk to the side of their head. If I sit down and realize the TV is angled wrong, I won't get up to adjust. I'll watch it like that. I'll sit there and wait until someone walks by and I'll ask them to move the TV. Sometimes I may notice I'm sitting on something uncomfortable. I don't care. It could be a book or doesn't bother me; certainly not enough to move. I'm a big fan of sitting: I'll watch a show I'm not enjoying for 30 or 40 minutes because I don't feel like looking for the remote control. Forget about getting up to actually, physically change the channel on the TV itself....that stopped years ago. Onc...


Nathan graduated pre-school today. This is just another indicator that I am getting older. Three of my children have now reached this milestone in life. We have three more to achieve such greatness. Perhaps this means I am at "hump day" and I am now moving into the twilight of my life. Shortly after Cora and I are finished changing children's diapers, our children will be changing diapers on us. I can't wait! A royal treatment of wet wipes and baby powder means I have nearly arrived at my final destination. This graduation ceremony today was quite a hoot. All of the children were dressed in caps and gowns. They entered the gymnasium walking down the center aisle to Pomp and Circumstance. The "papa"razzi and "mama"razzi were present and were snapping hundreds of photos. As the children were called to receive their diplomas, parents would applaud. There is never a mystery of which parents are there for the first time or who may have only...

Daddy MacGyver

Well, I suppose it is about time I actually post something to my blog. It looks like December was the last time I did so. So, what should I write about? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the dilemma I was faced with last Sunday at church. Coralee was playing the organ, so once again, I was with all of the kids trying to keep them reverent. Matthew was particularly active. I reached down to pick him up and realized the padding, that is supposed to be protecting his clothing from any poopers, was no longer there. I felt down around his legs and found he was either wearing an adult sized shin guard, or that was his diaper. "What do I do now? I can't get up and take Matthew to the bathroom, because if I leave, Rachel will decide to run up to the front of the chapel and perform the Cha Cha Cha for the entire congregation. If I take Rachel with me, then Bryse and Nate will start slugging it out. If I take them all, I'll look like the Little Engine That Could...