Nathan graduated pre-school today. This is just another indicator that I am getting older. Three of my children have now reached this milestone in life. We have three more to achieve such greatness. Perhaps this means I am at "hump day" and I am now moving into the twilight of my life. Shortly after Cora and I are finished changing children's diapers, our children will be changing diapers on us. I can't wait! A royal treatment of wet wipes and baby powder means I have nearly arrived at my final destination. This graduation ceremony today was quite a hoot. All of the children were dressed in caps and gowns. They entered the gymnasium walking down the center aisle to Pomp and Circumstance. The "papa"razzi and "mama"razzi were present and were snapping hundreds of photos. As the children were called to receive their diplomas, parents would applaud. There is never a mystery of which parents are there for the first time or who may have only...
A blog from a father's perspective...