During Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, Karissa decided it would be great fun to pull each of the Hymn Books off of their shelves and hand them to each member in our family. We were only allowed to hold onto them for about four seconds and she would retrieve them and place them back onto their shelves. This process continued for about 20 minutes. The most entertaining part of this show was watching her heave these books with all her might. As she would do so, the momentum would throw her into the bench we were all sitting on. She would hit the bench with enough force, she would immediately bounce back and hit the bench on the opposite side. She'd hit that with enough force that she would fall down. It was like watching a human pinball machine. I looked around for popcorn and a soda, but the best I could come up with was a piece of gum that was tucked inside my suit coat pocket. As I popped a stick of gum into my mouth, Nathan saw me and said, "can I have some?" I looked aroun...
A blog from a father's perspective...