On Sunday afternoon, I found some leftovers in the fridge and piled my plate high with all varieties of meat: pork roast, boneless chicken wings and steak and chicken from the previous night's fajitas. Mmmm, good! I didn't put any fruits or vegetables on my plate, just the meat. I sat down at the table with the rest of the family and published tidings of great joy of my excitement of eating this; and later that evening a steak that Coralee had planned for dinner. Everybody looked at me strangely. They all had a a good variety from all the food groups. "Nothing but meat, my friends....nothing but meat," I announced, "I may not survive the day after all of this. You wouldn't miss me much if I kicked the bucket, would you?" Nobody really disagreed with me. "No worries, Honey," I continued, looking fondly at Coralee, "I'm worth more dead than alive!" "The only problem," she said, "is that you're not worth enough...