It is not very often that I am home late enough in the mornings to have breakfast with my family. On the occasion I do get to have breakfast with them, it is an entertaining event.
Nathan always insists that he has the same cereal Jeff does. This morning, Nathan was dressed and ready for breakfast before Jeff was. I asked Nathan what he wanted for breakfast and he responded the same way he does every morning, "what did Jeff have?" I answered, "Jeff hasn't had breakfast yet, so what would you like?" After wrestling with this point for a couple of minutes, he finally decided oatmeal would be okay.
Jeff then came up for breakfast. He poured a bowl of Lucky Charms. Almost immediately, Nathan moaned, "Oh! Jeff never eats the same thing I eat!"
Nathan always insists that he has the same cereal Jeff does. This morning, Nathan was dressed and ready for breakfast before Jeff was. I asked Nathan what he wanted for breakfast and he responded the same way he does every morning, "what did Jeff have?" I answered, "Jeff hasn't had breakfast yet, so what would you like?" After wrestling with this point for a couple of minutes, he finally decided oatmeal would be okay.
Jeff then came up for breakfast. He poured a bowl of Lucky Charms. Almost immediately, Nathan moaned, "Oh! Jeff never eats the same thing I eat!"
Jeff moaned Nate allwase eats what I do.