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Showing posts from March, 2007

Another dream

I know this may be hard to believe, but last night, I dreamed about a badger. For whatever reason, I was in a golf cart with all of my office staff. There were 9 of us crammed into this thing. We were driving along, and every once in awhile, the driver would make a sharp turn and I would cling to the frame of the cart trying to stay on board. At one point, I fell out of the cart and landed next to a badger. He was not a friendly creature. He chased me all over the place. I tried to run away, but he managed to catch up with me and he immediately turned me into a mantel piece.....right next to Kevin Bacon.

What is Daddy made of?

The kids and I had hot dogs for dinner tonight. As we were eating, Jeff grabbed the mustard bottle and asked, "Dad, what's the first ingredient in mustard?" I answered, "vinegar." "You're right!" Bryson then grabbed the Ketchup bottle and asked me what the first ingredient was. I replied, "sugar!" "Nope, it's tomato paste." Bryson continued, "So, what are you made of?" Before I could answer, he said,"you are made of one part flesh, one part bone, one part vinegar, one part mean, one part funny, one part gas and one part bald."

Ride this....cowboy!

My last post was about dreaming of hairy yaks. Well......this is what I dreamed about last night. The good ole American Bison. From what I can remember, I was looking for office space to lease and I ended up in a church and I was directed to a classroom that I could lease as a mortgage office. Upon entering the office, I walked into a forest with lots of Bison. Without a saddle, I rode the Bison bareback. Every once in awhile, he would get spooked by a Native American who attempted to shoot him and me with an arrow. He would run and run, and I successfully managed to stay on him. After riding him from the forest to the great Western Plains, I eventually ended up in Chicago. The Bison and I ended up on a second level building and he ran over the edge of the building and I fell until I landed perfectly sitting up-right at a restaurant table where I was entertained by Kevin Bacon. He thanked me for joining him and then left....leaving me to pay for his meal.

Why do I blog?

I sometimes think about why I blog. I don't really know why. I am generally an introverted person. I guess this is a way for me to express myself; or to allow others, who may not necessarily know me very well, an opportunity to get to know who I am and what I like. It gives me an opportunity to take 'center stage' when that isn't usually a place I am comfortable, but while expressing myself in writing, I get my point across and I sometimes see people chuckle. Seeing people laugh always makes me happy. The other day, I received an email from a prospective client. He was inquiring about mortgage interest rates. Funny thing, though: I have several email rules and filters setup on my Microsoft Outlook account, so if I receive an email with the word RATES in the subject line, my Outlook account automatically forwards it out to all of my employees. I do this so they have access to all of the different mortgage rate sheets and programs that come in from many of the di...

Irritable Dad Mode......Little Child Mode?

Coralee occasionally has to remind me to mellow out and relax. She teases me about going into Irritable Dad Mode. I just agree with her, because I know she's right. I have all kinds of issues if things are out of place. Generally, when I'm home, I start barking orders to the kids to pick up their trains, and dress up clothes, and race cars, etc. Last night, before I climbed into bed, my beautiful sweetheart had this sweet grin on her face. "Yeee haaah, I'm getting lucky!" was my first thought. When I realized that wasn't necessarily the game plan, I said, "what?" She replied, "I'm just shocked that you missed something out of place." It turned out our bedroom door was ajar, something that would generally drive me nuts. I said, "Ah, I would have noticed it before actually getting into bed." She suggested leaving it open, because maybe our cat wouldn't knock on our door if he could just enter. Perhaps he may even go o...

Can I sleep there?

As I have been reading back over some of my posts, I realize my general theme is 'sleep deprivation'. I have been so frustrated lately, because I've really been wanting to read a book....any book, but I have not been successful. I checked out a book from the library last week, and everytime I sat down to read it, I fell asleep. I sat down to watch SportsCenter on ESPN a couple of nights ago, and apparently, I fell asleep while changing channels. When I came to, the right side of my face was numb from having rested my head on my hand and the channel guide was still active on the television. I hadn't even located my program yet. As I have metioned before, I like to bring my dog, Jack, to work with me. The other day, I found mysef wearing a dog collar with a leash attached to the filing cabinet. I was snuggled up nicely on Jack's mattress, and I looked up and I noticed Jack was sitting in my office chair sending out emails. Kevin Bacon was sitting in the chair opposite...