From what I can remember, I was looking for office space to lease and I ended up in a church and I was directed to a classroom that I could lease as a mortgage office. Upon entering the office, I walked into a forest with lots of Bison.
Without a saddle, I rode the Bison bareback. Every once in awhile, he would get spooked by a Native American who attempted to shoot him and me with an arrow. He would run and run, and I successfully managed to stay on him.
After riding him from the forest to the great Western Plains, I eventually ended up in Chicago. The Bison and I ended up on a second level building and he ran over the edge of the building and I fell until I landed perfectly sitting up-right at a restaurant table where I was entertained by Kevin Bacon. He thanked me for joining him and then left....leaving me to pay for his meal.
That Bacon lackey!!! Just like Kevin to stiff you with the bill... he did that to me in my dream too!