We men are such shameless creatures. We believe it is okay to tell a lie or two, to anyone and everyone, in an effort to gain the thing we're after. Women, on the other hand, will be straight forward and brutally honest no matter what the circumstance. Not only will they be honest about a situation, they will educate you about it too. To give you an example, on Saturday, I went to Smith's to pick up a frozen pizza to bring home and bake for the kids and me. As I was walking through an aisle that had various outdoor items, such as tents and barbecue items, I saw a father hurriedly walking through that same aisle with two children close behind. His daughter stopped to admire a three-tiered water fountain that was active. The girl quickly asked, "dad, is this poison?" The father turned around, and before he could answer I knew what his response would be. His reply mimicked my thought, "yes, Honey, that is poison. Don't put your hand in there." In my...
A blog from a father's perspective...