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Ooops! I did it again!

I'm blogging twice in one day......"are you kidding?"

I just have to share a classically stupid, Daddy Kodak moment:

On Sunday morning, I was helping to get the kids ready for church. I had the four youngest kids in the bath. After I was finished bathing them, I would take them, one by one, out of the tub and get them dressed in their church clothes. I would start with the youngest child and work my way up.

By the time I got to the older two kids, I decided rather than get them out myself, I would ask them to get out, while I waited with the warm, dry towel(s). This didn't go over so well. They debated me constantly about why they shouldn't have to get out, and it should go youngest to oldest, or the child with the most hair, or perhaps the child with the longest fingers, or perhaps the child with the cleanest get the idea.

Well, being the kind, patient daddy that I am, I encouraged them: "If somebody doesn't get out of the tub now, I'm going to turn on this shower with cold water." I counted to three. Do you think either of them got out? Of course not!

On went the shower. I laughed maniacally. The children immediately started shrieking.

Not more than 2 seconds later, the children's mother walked into the room. (I have to refer to her as the children's mother, because she didn't appear to be the loving, caring wife I have known and loved all of these years.)

"What's going on?", she asked. Hands were on her hip and the look on her face was one of consternation.

I'm sure I looked like a deer in a headlight.

"Um....uh....well, I was," I had no idea what to to confess the truth. "yes, I sprayed cold water on our children."

"Just pick them up," she suggested.

I guess I could have considered that option, but that would be too asking for directions when I'm lost.


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