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Showing posts from December, 2007

More Adorable Kitties

I can't resist. I have to post pictures of the cats who nearly made it to my Kitty Stalker post.

She told me her heart now belongs to someone else....

After nearly 14 years of marriage, I was looking over my shoulder to the potential of someone like this coming along to sweep my wife off her feet and steal her away from me: I was watching for the wrong guy! This is the man I should have been watching out for. Today he returns to our home for the second time in a week. He is an older gentleman with hair that is graying and a shuffle to his walk. He has an uncanny ability to change the washing machine, dryer and trash compactor at a time. I have been replaced by.........

Kitty Stalker

There is a cat that likes to hang around outside my office. I made the mistake of feeding him jerky, and ever since then, I can't get rid of him. He is a very friendly cat. He'll sit outside my window each and every day and beg for attention. If I go outside, he'll immediately cling to my leg and follow-me to the ends of the earth. When I enter the building, he'll quickly try to sneak into the office, and he usually succeeds. Then, I repeat the cycle of luring the cat out of the office with a piece of meat. Can you see my dilemma? I'm a fool! Just a few minutes ago, I decided it was time to check the mail, but I could see the cat sitting outside my window. I knew that if I went outside, he would follow me into the office and then I'd have to try and figure out how to get rid of him again. I told Randall about my dilemma. He laughed and said, "you are controlled by your fears." I, right then and there, decided I would prove Randall wrong. I pl...

My Conversation with Rachel

This took place as I was tucking all the children into bed last night: Rachel: I don't want you to tuck me in.... I want Mom to tuck me in. Me: Come on, let's go! Rachel: No! I want Mom to tuck me in. Me: You've been with Mom all day, don't you want me to tuck you in? Rachel: No! I want Mom to tuck me in. Me: Come on. I'm going to count to three and you better be in your bed. One....two... Rachel: Okay, okay! Fine! But you're not the one? Me: What do you mean I'm not the one? Rachel: I only like Mommy! I don't like you! Me: Well, I love you! Rachel: I can only love Mommy! Me: Goodnight! This is obviously not a good week for me with my kids.

My Conversation with Matthew

While changing his diaper: Me: You need to make pee pee in the toilet. Matt: No Me: Big boys make pee pee in the toilet. Matt: No Me: You're a big boy! Matt: No, I'm not a big boy....I'm little. Me: How old are you? Matt: I don't know. Me: You're three. Matt: No. Me: Yes, remember you had a birthday and you had a cake and you had a candle and you blew out the candle? Matt: Yeah, and I had marshmallows. Me: Yes, so you're three. You're a big boy. You need to make pee pee in the toilet. Matt: No, Dad! You don't have no hair!