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Showing posts from October, 2008

Look....a bird!

On Friday morning, my neighbor and friend, Todd asked me to go horseback riding with him up Yellow Fork.  On our way up the canyon, I spotted some large birds in somebody's driveway. "Oh wow," I exclaimed, "look at that!  They have peacocks." As we got closer, I realized they weren't peacocks.  Rather than look stupid, I corrected myself. "Oh, no!  They're pheasants." Todd looked over, then looked at me and said, "they're turkeys."

You look like a monkey and you act like one too!

Per Matthew's request, I took him to the bathroom at some point during Sacrament Meeting today.   While he was taking care of business, I looked at the person staring back at me in the mirror.  I wasn't content at just looking at the handsome devil staring back.  I winked at him and grinned. The person staring back did the same.   I then flexed my muscles and the person staring back at me did the same. I then raised both hands above my head and moved them in 4/4 time, as if directing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  The person staring back at me did the same. I then did some Karate moves and chopped at imaginary blocks in front of me; the person in the mirror did the same. Content that the person in the mirror, was in fact, me.  I looked at Matthew to see if he was finished with his business.  He stared at me 'wide-eyed' and said, "dad, why are you acting like a monkey?" I guess I need to work a bit on my form.

"I think somebody stole our car!"

"Hello lover." I had just pulled into the garage and walked into the house to say hi to my wife before I was about to head out the door again for work. This had become a rare opportunity with our hectic schedules; both of us trying to juggle school and full-time jobs. I crossed the kitchen and embraced Coralee and kissed her gently. "I guess I'll see you late tonight?" It was stated more as a question because of the uncertainty I'd be awake when she got home from work. The question was more for myself than for her. "I hope so," she answered with a smile. I walked to our bedroom and retrieved a backpack filled with things I used at work. I said my goodbyes and then walked into the garage. To my horror, the car, which I had just parked, was missing. The garage door was open, which wasn't much of a surprise to me because I had left it open knowing I was only going to be home for a few minutes. I immediately broke into a sweat. My heart was r...