Per Matthew's request, I took him to the bathroom at some point during Sacrament Meeting today.
While he was taking care of business, I looked at the person staring back at me in the mirror. I wasn't content at just looking at the handsome devil staring back. I winked at him and grinned. The person staring back did the same.
I then flexed my muscles and the person staring back at me did the same.
I then raised both hands above my head and moved them in 4/4 time, as if directing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The person staring back at me did the same.
I then did some Karate moves and chopped at imaginary blocks in front of me; the person in the mirror did the same.
Content that the person in the mirror, was in fact, me. I looked at Matthew to see if he was finished with his business. He stared at me 'wide-eyed' and said, "dad, why are you acting like a monkey?"
I guess I need to work a bit on my form.
funny funny funny he he :)