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Showing posts from November, 2008

This Grinch Put Christmas Lights On The House

I don't know why I'm telling you this, but if you put me in front of a keyboard and you ask me to type something, my first impulse is to type:   Corey Moser is a cool dude and that is the truth so there. I've often typed out those words while sitting in front of a blank screen.  Back in the old days, I would punch it out on a typewriter.  Some of you may not know what that is.  You may have to visit a museum to find one, but they were once the latest and greatest in our advanced technological world. I don't know why those are the special words that have often found their way to paper.  Perhaps it is my justification in trying to live with myself.  If I continue to tell myself that, perhaps my arrogance will only shine brighter?  You would think I would just stop with Corey Moser is a cool dude...  but no...I have to accentuate it with and that is the truth so there!   Well anyway, you won't believe what I did on Saturday.  Okay, perhaps you have already guessed, bec...

Timber Cat

I have a black, furry cat named Timber.  He thinks he is a dog.  If I pull a post-it note from my desk, he snaps to attention and waits anxiously for me to wad it into a ball and throw it across the room. If only for my own amusement, I acknowledge and participate in my cat's request. He bounds (yes I said bounds, because there is nothing graceful about his attack) after the paper and retrieves it with his mouth and then will bring it back and drop it at my feet. I bend over to pick up the paper.  It is slimy and gross, much like the tennis balls my dog, Jack, would chase and then slobber all over.  Is is supposed to be like this? The cat stands at attention and follows every movement of my hand.  If I wait too long, he'll try to take the paper from me.  I think his tail is wagging; not flicking.  Did he just bark? If I forget to put him in the basement and close the door at night, he'll come knock on my bedroom door at 4:30 in the morning and ask me to let him outside. He ...

Beat Mom! (not what you think)

Anytime we, as a family, get into our Chevy Suburban to head somewhere; my kids will start shouting, "Beat Mom!"  All six of them will shout this.....multiple times.   This chorus will continue at ever increasing decibels. My wife is not a punching bag.  This is the victory chant and the competitive streak in all of my children to get seat belted before "Mom" does.

Turn Around and Look

I must admit, sometimes I am ashamed by how powerful the "turn around and look" instinct is.  I was driving once and saw a woman driving in the opposite direction and I actually turned around to look.  I'm staring at her car.  I was straining to look at the rear end of a Volkswagon, but still, I felt the need to look. I'm not proud of this, you understand.  It is just a confession.

Time to Support Our New President

On Wednesday morning, the day after the country elected Barack Obama as the new President of the United States, the rains and snow fell in Salt Lake City.  Perhaps this was the mood for most of the conservatives who blanket our state. One individual's perspective brought a smile to my face that day.  He said, "Wow!  We elected Obama the President yesterday and today it snows.  Global Warming has already backed off. This guy is amazing!" Yet, a friend who was not so pleased with the results said, "All my life I have been told that the Lord's Second Coming will be in my lifetime.  I think November 4th was as close to that day as could be possible.  I was surprised the sun even came up on Wednesday."  Obviously, her man, and mine, didn't win. Prior to November 4th, much of the country was divided.  More than 63 million votes went to Barack Obama; nearly 56 million votes went to John McCain.  A record number of people cast their ballots as mud was being flun...

I'm home

For those of you who don't know, for the last couple of months I have been working from my home.  Earlier this year, I was able to see the end of a long-term lease and given the current state of the economy; including the mortgage industry, it just made sense to close the office and save myself a lot of money by working from home.  For the most part, this has worked really well.   I have lost a few employees in transition, but those who have chosen to remain with me seem pleased with the opportunity to also work from home.  The great thing about current technology is that there is really no decrease in the quality of the service we can provide for our customers.  The direction we have been going over the last several years is to be internet specific and to provide services for people that did not require a face-to-face interaction. Admittedly, there are some things I do miss about working in an office.  The best part was having good people around me and being able to associate with...

T Shirt

Inspired by the song, T Shirt,  by Shontelle; I thought of wearing nothing but my wife's T-shirt, but I have a feeling it will just leave me feeling uncomfortable and confused. Lyrics

My Conversation with Nathan

"Hey Dad, did you give the cat some catnip either today or yesterday?" "Nope" "Have you ever given our cat some catnip?" "Yep" "Hmmm, well, does catnip makes cats go crazy?" "Yep" "Is catnip a drug?" "Yep" "Well, I guess that means our cat isn't a mormon"