I don't think it is easy to truly, "get away from it all," because like they say, "Wherever you go, there you are." Don't ask me to tell you who They are, but trust me, They said it. As many of you already know, I'm in the mortgage industry. There are days, like today, where I truly want to "get away from it all." It is so frustrating to be working so hard with a customer, only to have them yanked away by another mortgage company. In almost every case, they claim they are getting a better deal somewhere else. Hello people! This is called a bait-and-switch! I am already giving you the best deal. I'll be lucky to earn a mere $1000 on your loan....that guy is going to make $6000, and he has the same products I do. He'll continue to bait you along, making you believe you're getting the deal he promised, then you'll get to closing and he is going to sell you a new loan. You'll take it, because..."DARN! I've lo...
A blog from a father's perspective...