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I like to sing to the radio while I'm driving, but I don't like others to see that I'm singing.

To avoid the embarrassment of being caught singing, I monitor my mirrors constantly to see when another driver is approaching, then when they are within range that they can see me singing, I stop. This is sometimes hard, because I could be belting it out to Duran Duran or Howie Day and I'm harmonizing so well and I look to my left and Mr. Blue Suit is staring at me. Panic shows in his eyes. Mr. Conservative suddenly becomes very erratic in his driving, for clearly the man singing next to him is a nut job and may follow him home and sing to him at his dinner table.

Most people just laugh at me. Parents driving mini-vans filled with children will point at me. I imagine their conversations are something like, "look children, that man belongs in an institution. You remember your Aunt Lilly? She started out that way."

My cell phone is a great microphone for no audience. I have learned that I can place the phone to my ear and sing all I want. Nobody is the wiser. To the rest of the driving world, I am carrying on a long conversation. In reality, I'm having a moment with Sarah McLachlan.


  1. true true... I am also a compulsive car-radio-song singer. Sadly, I AM in an institution with Aunt Lilly, so my car-radio-song singing days are through.

  2. I've found that the hardest part of singing in the car is doing the hand actions. Popcorn Popping is easily my biggest challange.


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