This is how I wake up every morning:
My alarm clock is set for 7:00 AM. The radio is tuned to a country station. When it goes off each morning, I quickly reach over and shut it off so that I don't wake Coralee. In just the 0.70 seconds it takes me to wake, reach over and shut off the music, I have already determined what song is playing on the radio. I begin to sing (in my head that is...I'm still concerned about not waking Coralee), I continue to sing until I realize I don't know any of the words to the song.
I roll over and see my bride sleeping sweetly and a series of thoughts comes to my head:
"Isn't she beautiful?"
"Isn't it wonderful I get to see this face I love every morning?"
"Maybe someone else will go in and open the office this morning and I can continue to look at this face?"
"What appointments do I have this morning? I wonder if I can bump them to the afternoon."
"I can't bump those appointments to the afternoon, I have to work on conditions for the loan files, and there will be enough interruptions today, I'll be lucky to get everything done."
"Who will generate a new loan today? We need to get more loans in the pipeline."
Of course my mind continues to wander and eventually, these thoughts encourage me to get out of bed and get moving. For the life of me, I don't know how I make that jump from pleasant thoughts to all the problems that will be attacking me throughout the day.....I guess that's life.
Now that Matthew has joined our family, waking up is a little different than I described above.
During the night, Matthew migrates to our bed. This usually happens sometime between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM. That is feeding time. On most nights, how he gets to our bed is a mystery. I'm pretty sure I made the trek to get him, but many of my trips are done unconsciously.
About an hour before my alarm clock goes off, Matthew starts snorting and belching and farting.
My next thought is, "The aliens have come and replaced my wife with a pig."
I roll over and see the SNORT. He is looking very content to be there. I look just beyond him, and there is my lovely wife staring back at me. I smile with the thought that comes to mind, "this SNORT and the 4 others who run around our house are the products of our love. If I don't get out of bed and go to work now, we will be blessed with another SNORT."
My alarm clock is set for 7:00 AM. The radio is tuned to a country station. When it goes off each morning, I quickly reach over and shut it off so that I don't wake Coralee. In just the 0.70 seconds it takes me to wake, reach over and shut off the music, I have already determined what song is playing on the radio. I begin to sing (in my head that is...I'm still concerned about not waking Coralee), I continue to sing until I realize I don't know any of the words to the song.
I roll over and see my bride sleeping sweetly and a series of thoughts comes to my head:
"Isn't she beautiful?"
"Isn't it wonderful I get to see this face I love every morning?"
"Maybe someone else will go in and open the office this morning and I can continue to look at this face?"
"What appointments do I have this morning? I wonder if I can bump them to the afternoon."
"I can't bump those appointments to the afternoon, I have to work on conditions for the loan files, and there will be enough interruptions today, I'll be lucky to get everything done."
"Who will generate a new loan today? We need to get more loans in the pipeline."
Of course my mind continues to wander and eventually, these thoughts encourage me to get out of bed and get moving. For the life of me, I don't know how I make that jump from pleasant thoughts to all the problems that will be attacking me throughout the day.....I guess that's life.
Now that Matthew has joined our family, waking up is a little different than I described above.
During the night, Matthew migrates to our bed. This usually happens sometime between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM. That is feeding time. On most nights, how he gets to our bed is a mystery. I'm pretty sure I made the trek to get him, but many of my trips are done unconsciously.
About an hour before my alarm clock goes off, Matthew starts snorting and belching and farting.
My next thought is, "The aliens have come and replaced my wife with a pig."
I roll over and see the SNORT. He is looking very content to be there. I look just beyond him, and there is my lovely wife staring back at me. I smile with the thought that comes to mind, "this SNORT and the 4 others who run around our house are the products of our love. If I don't get out of bed and go to work now, we will be blessed with another SNORT."
I guess the snorts, farts, and belches put you in the mood? Strange, very strange.